I have books!!!

The summer holiday is nearly here and so i have been preparing my entertainment: BOOKS!!! I intend on having books stacked to my eyeballs and my first 6 arrived today, with 4 others i ordered due anyday now. Arriving today is:

  1. The enchantress of florence by Salman Rushdie
  2. The waves by Virginia Woolf
  3. The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing
  4. Alexander Pushkin by Eugene Onegin
  5. The other rebecca by Maureen Freely
  6. The home and the world by Rabindranath Tagore

The books due are:

  1. Un Lun Dun by China Mieville
  2. Old Goriot by Honore de Balzac
  3. Invisible man by Ralph Ellison
  4. The Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentlemen

And the book si plan on ordering very soon are:

  1. Possessions by AS Byatt
  2. A history in 10 1/2 chapters by Julian Barnes
  3. Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
  4. The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen
  5. The Secret History by Donna Tartt
  6. White teeth by Zadie Smith
  7. A clockwork orange by Anthony Burgess
  8. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
  9. 1984 by George Orwell
  10. The Picture Of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde

That will probably take me till about October and then i'll be ready for my long Winter evening lot!!!

Now, the significance of all this seemingly useless information is that i'll be posting my reviews and thoughts of all these books as i go along. Throughout this blogs creation i've been reading away but then leave it too late to write a review on it. This issue exists no more as i intend to keep you guys up to date with my mini thoughts as i go and then end with a nice fat review for you to enjoy at the end.

Has anyone already read any of these books and fancy telling me their opinion?


DelroyNesta said...

just wondering if you happen to have any children's books that you would like to donate to the National Youth COuncil of Dominica and our book club?

if You need more info you can contact me at nyc_dom@hotmail.com or cini26@hotmail.com or check out my blog: http://jetzzzpoeticexpressions.blogspot.com/search?q=kiera%27s+book+club