I want it

I want it
I need it
I breathe it
I sleep it

Give me a pen and i'll write you my life
Take it away and hand me a knife
Don't talk to me of stability and paying the bills
I'll gnaw my own bones to keep these thrills
If you just let me write, if you just let me be
I'll lyrisize this earth and then you will see

This is my life since i was ten years old
Would've been longer if someone had just told
Me of that feeling you get from spilling it out
Spelling it out, letter by letter
line by line, getting better and better
and finding my voice on the silent shelves
Hidden way in the back and deep in the delves
Of my search for my freedom from they've made me
Not a doctor, nor a lawyer, just what I want to be

So here i am, writing to you a 17 year old
woman when i should be a girl but, no fear,
Thse wrinkles carry the sights of my soul
That tear me apart and keep me whole
Besides every poet must have their vice
It's what keeps them going and gives them the spice
To keep rhyming through critics, through poverty, through meals
Each wordful building up to help us fight our ordeals

I want this struggle while i'm making the climb
I need the release that comes with the rhyme
I breathe in the ideas and breathe out the design
I sleep in solution so i'll wake up and shine
