L.I.F.E (Life. Isn't. Fair. Ever)

As I sit and gaze,
Thinking about the things I've done.
I have to change my ways.
This me- she is not real.
Fake, as mess, an accident.

Emotional wreck- that's me,
the one in the corner hugging her knees.
Mumbling, grumbling. Fuck.

Do you need the things you want the most?
For comfort, for fun or just to cope?

My eyes are burning, and my heart's sore,
can't live like this. Reality is a bore.

Surrounded by fuckers, hypocrites, and thieves.
Who fuck me over and then they leave.

I do these things,
you know I do.
I do these things
to get through to you.
Not talking of slitting,
Not talking of what been written,
what's in my heart and soul
I know you love me- so
please let go.

I know he can do much better than me,
The things I've done, you won't believe.
The hurt, the pain.
He's gone insane.

Him, her, he, she, you , me.
Suicidal, but he's hiding it well.
I'm dying inside, but no one can tell.

Draw my veins on to my skins,
hoping the ink will sink in.

Do you need the thing you want the most?
For comfort, for fun or just to cope?

My eyes are burning, and my hearts sore.
This life is not worth living anymore.

Symone xoxo