The Secret Ninja Sent To Kill Our Beauty

I was looking at the Sunday Times magazine, which has a picture of Kate Hudson on the front of it. Now normally, i would have been tinged with green at the sight of the model-turned actress, but not today. 

On first view, the picture is quite typical: lots of make up and lots of airbrushing which make her look ten years younger and ten times better. But on closer inspection, i noticed that you could see all the creases in her face where the make up and had sort of....gone weird. Her lips looked like they belonged on a 70 year old with small creases  all along her top lip, and an odd unnatural shine ran across her forehead, revealing many makeup-clogged pores.

Could it be that the very thing that is supposed to make her more beautiful, is actually taking it all away? Could the same be said for all of us? Have we been warped by society to believe that we need make up to be considered beautiful, and yet we all know that it can have disasterous effects on our skin!

Let us all take a moment and think seriously about what the bloody hell it is that we put on our faces anyway. How many ingredients to make up could you list? How do they get the mascaras so black? Oil? Charcoal? Who is it tested on? Where is it made? In what country? By who? What is different in the ingredients of a £10 mascara compared to a £30 one? How do they manage to pull out my eyelashes? All these questions, and so few answers. The strange thing about it all is that i know more about the lives of penguins (March of the penguins: bloody awful film, but interesting!) than i do about the chemicals that i put on my face and spend a good deal of my money on!

I say we should take the song title of my new favourite french song to heart:
Laisse tomber les filles qui se maquillent
Instead, lets embrace natural beauty, or at least until we find out whats in make up...or until the next party...


Anonymous said...

What an insightful post from a teen! I see a future writer in the maker.
You are right. Let's ask more questions rather than just follow like sheep. Unfortunately you will learn that sheep are everywhere and just do whatever they are supposed to do without question.

Well done for leaving the herd behind