Thought of the Day
In the break of an a-level chemistry revision class at the moment. Today is my last day. I've been here Friday and yesterday. 9.30-5.00. It's really hard. The entire class is here- as we are all failing . The fact that the entire class is failing, i believe, is more reflective of the teachers and not on the students- don't you agree? To be completely honest, our education system is crap. It's all a competition- whoever memorises the most gets the highest grades and gets into the 'best' universities and gets the 'best' job. Hmmm, i guess i'm rambling now. I should stop and fix the problem ahead. A word to the wise... Don't take A-Level Chemistry
Thought of the Day: I guess I am one of the lucky ones...
Thought of the Day: I guess I am one of the lucky ones...
I would say it's a 50/50 thing. A good teacher can't teach if the student isn't listening. Having said that if it's the whole class I guess fingers will definitely need to be pointed in the direction of the teacher. What school is that!
The system is setup to keep us all trapped in a cycle of getting a job, buying expensive things that need debts like houses and cars then having to work to make sure we keep our expensive things.
Word to the wise.... figure out something else rather than the traditional 9-5. The internet offers loads of opportunities. You don't need to become a slave to the government. You dont really need qualifications either - but I recommend them as a way to go when you can
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